
Ramblin’ Man is a collection of anecdotes written by Bobby, a twentysomething Englishman who took a break from computer support to teach English to high-school students in Japan.

Writing this blog is an outlet for all the clever stuff that goes through his brain in the hope that one day it’ll go viral and get published in every magazine, newspaper and stone tablet ever produced. What he doesn’t seem to realise is that this is the wish of every other blogger (of which there are thousands; millions; BILLIONS) and that he stands more chance of winning the lottery. Shame he stopped his Direct Debit to the National Lottery before he left then isn’t it. Silly boy. Nevertheless, if you are reading this then it means that someone is interested doesn’t it? At least that’s a start. I know he’d like me to thank you for reading so… Thanks. If you like it, be a dear and “Like” it on Facebook or “Tweet” it or whatever it is you kids do these days because the more people that visit this site, the more likely his dream will be realised, and wouldn’t that just be lovely?

1 thought on “About

  1. Karla

    Hi there! I am one of the administrators from flavorsofjapan.wordpress.com and though I have heard about the jet program I am not too well informed.

    I was wondering if it was possible for you to be featured as a guest blogger ๐Ÿ™‚ We would like to learn more about the program (requisites,process,what they do) and about your experiences so far in Japan!

    Let me know if you would be interested, we are very excited about the possibility and looking forward to your answer.
    Have a great day ๐Ÿ™‚


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